Record Night @ Victory Art Cafe

About Us, Indie, Upcomming Artists, Urban

Lets get straight to why this is relevant. We have this addiction today with media; it supplies our cultural cravings. We can listen to recordings from the 1920’s, we can listen to recordings from anywhere in the world, so we partially experience these songs, compositions and atmospheres (particularly if your listening to a live recording).

This seems to mean that theres a lack of community-propelled gatherings for musicians to work off of, afterall one of the most inspiring things for a musician is a good atmosphere.

This Record Night (I will explain shortly) was a beautiful example of how a community ready and willing to take matters into their own hands can make an event fun, interesting, full of surprises and 110% more worthwhile than listening to a band on your iTunes. It was held, as was last year, at Victory Art Café, a brilliant cafe in the heart of Zagreb.

So what is this Record Night? It’s a Daily Download and Shady Biznis initiative where a small group of people gather in a café accompanied by a set of records (from Louis Armstrong to the Doors), several live performers and discounts on, what else than, beer. Being the second Record Night organised we decided to include a charity auction where we raised several hundred kuna. Perhaps not the greatest achievement, but a great testament to the good will of the small community of 30 that attended.

So how did it go?

Fucking great!

The night started, as mentioned with records, and was then quickly taken over by Mar – a young Croatian street musician thats recently been gaining some traction in Zagreb with performances in places such as Močvara, a well known alternative club in Zagreb. Mar pushed the atmosphere to another level with Croatian and ex-Yugoslavian songs that strongly resonate with many of the Croatian youth. It didn’t take long for everyone to start singing along to songs like Frida.

Mar 1

Mar’s performance

Seth’s Performance

The Improvisation Duo

-> For more photos and a video of the night check out our facebook page

After Mar a Croatian-American saxophonist – simply names Seth – took the .. ‘stage’ and instantly quieted the crowd down with a soul-melting solo version of over the rainbow. Played on his vintage saxophone – incredibly bought for meer change – it seemed to slow the night down only to bring it back up with the following modern songs like redbone for example.

Then something happened which really captivates the atmosphere of this event; a Croatian theatre actor joined Seth on the .. ‘stage’ with Mar’s guitar and began playing his versions of 60’s rock classics and Croatian music which Seth, incredibly improvised solos on. Mar came back to finish the night after them and the atmosphere was fantastic.

The winners of the charity were some of Mar’s friends who won a bottle of well known Croatian wine; Josić Cuvée.

In short, we plan on having many more Record Nights and on brining many more communities of musicians closer together through these events. Thats it from me. Thank you 🙂

If you wish to work with us contact:
Mislav Petrusic (TDD founder) or
Donika Kristaj (Shady Biznis founder) at


Networking & Expanding

About Us

Currently we are based in Zagreb, Croatia although we are quickly building on out fan base, with followers from the U.S,  Australia, Greece, Chile, Canada, Slovenia and more. We’re planning on expanding and earning revenue in order to continue with our mission of promoting small talents around the world. Currently working on Australia and the Netherlands, feel free to send us a message if you are willing to work with us or if you have any suggestions.